Monday 9 May 2011

INDESIGN - Questionnaire, bit of further research

My message to Matt:

Well hello deary,
I'm trying to get on with this InDesign brief and don't really have an awful lot of info about you!
I want it to be some kind of interview, with a series of images...
Anything else you could possibly tell me?
Funniest antic? 
Most regrettable drunken experience?
Funniest phrases you tend to say?
Stories about any one you know?
Best prank pulled? etc etc

I kinda wanted about 5 images, passport like of just your face pulling a few faces, would that be alreeet?

Matt's Reply:

erm every year i started steel a keg day with a group of friends which is march 24th.
every year my best friend tops how drunk he was the year before on his birthday. this year i went to his halls and he didn't make it to 10 without chucking up his dinner which i could tell was chicken pasta and passing out.
my most regrettable drunken experience is threw a house party when my mum went away and spent half of it in a onezie with another guy and then the other half without clothes. (good party)
pull alot of pranks but my favourite is to my brother i put a bucket of water above the door to the living room so he got drenched and then when he went to the bathroom to dry himself but i put a packet of flower above that door soooo not a happy chappy
BOOOOM hows that you need more?

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