Monday 8 October 2012

Type Factory - Catch Up

So we decided to come in early morning and try and sort a plan of action for the next coming weeks, seeing what needs doing and how to come together. We've come up with a clearer idea of the event:

The name: Typos Graphe (Greek origins, typography)

Part 1: 


Focusing on the origins of type, focusing on 6 typefaces which came about first. To produce large posters for each, printed in the process which was around at the time e.g Woodblock, signifying the idea of timescale and history; Typefaces moving alongside printing processes.


Foldable Leaflet:
One side - Origins of type, timeline, important events which have taken place. Focus on time.
Another Side - Case studies of Original typefaces used in Modern Day. E.g Oxfam Logo.

Part 2:

Publication OR Leaflet:
New and Modern Typography. Exhibiting and showcasing submitted work from peers and professionals, linking their work back to the origins and original typefaces through information provided in a publication.

Producing Logos / Iconography for each persons work, to refer back to a Infographic map within Publication material as a method of wayfinding.

Products for Event:

6 Boards - 6 typefaces
Information boards alongside

Leaflet - Concertina belly band x 2

Promotional Products:

Mail outs - Post cards and PDF's to send to professionals and students


Business Card

Logo and Identity

To do this week:

Research 6 typefaces
Experiment and research colour palette
Content of timeline - Collect
Design Branding and identity
Layout of publication - Research
Contact list of professionals based on concept:
'Show me mine, I'll show me yours'
Sending a piece of work to gain another for exhibition.

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