Saturday 13 October 2012

Type Factory - Catch up meeting

So we stuck to our plans to meet up over the weekend and combine our efforts for the promotional material and finalise a brand, logo and identity.

After a few ideas were thrown around and a combination of our idea and development work, working with the idea of our logo showing how type faces have grown and developed over time. We looked back over the timeline of typography and decided to use a old and time typeface combined to produce one word 'Typosgraphe'.

With this now set in place we would find it easier to produce work on our own, to bring together, to be consistent with one another. To help with this we decided on a set of typefaces, a colour palette and grid system to use when designing products so we could work alone, and designs would still work together. So with this we could then go on to produce a set of promotional posters to distribute about college of ask for submissions of work.

We looked at Sarahs posters - 
and my own and tried to combine our efforts to result in just one consistent design to push across a range for 6 (The 6 typefaces we agreed to show within the Exhibition)

We decided to both seperatly come up with mail out and business card designs , me focusing on aiming my work at the freelance, type as image people. We gave ourselves restrictions in regard to colour and typeface, I'll be using Blue, yellow and purple (from a chosen colour palette) and the typefaces Quicksand, Georgia and Gotham. We are going to meet back mid week to Crit eachothers designs, and come up with resulting designs for each side.

Our combined efforts:

Starting to put together the boards:

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