Monday 7 March 2011


Unfortunately I didn't quite achieve the outcome I wanted, which was for each of the images to be translucent enough to place over each other. But I still feel they look good on my chosen stock of acetate. next time I will be sure to do a mock up and printing test. I do feel it was a good idea to step away from hand crafting, I was able to give my type a lot more detail and legibility.

As a series I feel the posters work really well. This placement and layout really compliments the layout of my hand crafted and rendered images within the photographs. 



I have found a new love for mixed media, and how they can really compliment each other, I will defiantly be working with photography again soon!

 I need to get an understanding of realistic goals in relation to time. I set out on something to big in the time given, but feel I did well in making the decision to step away from it and finding something a lot simpler to produce in the time. From this brief I am taking away the importance of keeping and sticking to, to do lists. Although I made them, I didn't always stick to them.

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