Sunday 9 December 2012

Doing my nut in


This brief had a personal connection with me due to my birth origins and nature. I was able to relate myself within content, and grasp a better understanding. I have live in 12 different houses in 5 big cities so have a broad range of knowledge about dialect and accent, so was able to use this in communicating speech well. 

I had always wanted to write a brief which had a focus on type and content as I knew it was a skill of mine which needed improving, so it was best it was about something I was interested in and could produce imagery alongside - In this case the book covers. Toward the end of the brief, I was getting compliments about my type and layout which I never thought would happened!

Because I had a personal interest in the content of the book, it meant I enjoyed the brief, which resulted, I feel, in it being completing in good time, and to a high standard. Originally this was meant to take just a 2 weeks to complete as I was going to mock up products, but I really wanted to see and feel the products - I was able to do this due to good time management. Alongside other brief I found any 'spare time' to go to book binding workshops, to find out how best to approach it. It took 6 hours to glue, cut and bind all the books, as I hadn't produced anything like this before. Its certainly a skill I want to improve further and take into FMP. A problem I did have was after producing some high quality books, I found it difficult to photograph to retain the quality, but after the workshop I managed to obtain some good photographs for the boards. 

SOmething I would do differently next time, would be to focus on both sides of the brief, image and type, and for them to be as good as one another. I feel the covers could have been so much stronger if I had explored printing processes within it. I'm that bothered about it, I intend on taking this brief into FMP as a second, or special edition and improving on the designs.

Overall I have learnt a lot within this brief, my time management skills saved my sanity, book binding isn't as simple as it seems but now I know how, and my type skills although still not brilliant, I'm getting there.

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