Sunday 9 December 2012



I really liked this brief, I felt it worked to my strength of illustration the most, it was a brief I considering fun and would go to it when I'd had enough of another. Retail graphics is something of interest to me, to potentially take forward as a focus when looking for a job. I really enjoyed creating the illustrations; the challenge came trying to make them into a square formatted pattern, I had lots of issues making it a swatch and it not fitting products quite right. Next time I think I need to contact some people within surface pattern to see what techniques and software they use to work with their content. 

Relating the designs to the products Accessorize sold meant their was a lot of primary and secondary research - i had to list potential items I could draw, which related to each season. I really pushed myself by overall creating 4 different designs, 2 per season. I'm really happy with the final outcome and products, and the way I've been able to photograph the 3D objects; they've come out a lot better that originally expected, this I feel has been down to my crafting skills too, I made sure of no errors, nothing that the camera could pick up on. Another skill I've improved alongside photography is the ability to mock up, in the initial first first stages of other briefs, I was really bad at making it look realistic, but within this brief I've managed to create a range of vector images of shop fronts and interiors to apply my designs to.

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