Monday 17 September 2012

Collection - The Royal Collection - Brief



To produce a paper catalogue for the Royal Collection, providing extensive information about the items, the history and origins, the Royal family and locations of the collection. The catalogue will need to be available internationally, the idea that those who can't afford to travel to visit and see the collection themselves, can see it and learn about it within this catalogue.


How will the catalogue be available internationally?
How will people know about the product?
What advertisement methods will you use and to what extent?
What will your target audience be?
How will you get people interested?


The Royal Collection has been in the care of the Royal family for generations, it contains a lot of British History and is important to our country. The collection is visited by thousands of people a year, by those who know about it.


A paper Catalogue showing the entire collection

An Global advertisement campaign

Magazine and Newspaper pullouts

Retail Stands for Catalogue


1. The Collection is based in a few locations in Britain
2. Its expensive to pay entry to see the Royal Collection
3. Those outside of the UK will find it difficult to see the Royal Collection 
4. Some of the Collection can't be physically seen due to antique value and protection, and can't be photographed
5. Not many people are aware of the extensiveness of the Royal Collection

I intend to educate those interested in the Royals, Antiques and British History about the Royal Collection.


To create a catalog of the collection, providing extensive information with images about the Royal Collection, the history and origins, where you can see them, any events happening and information about the Royals themselves. A smaller information leaflet which will be available in Newspapers as a pull out, to advertise and promote catalog. 


To Create a series of publications and catalogs suitable for different contexts. A Catalog for Giftshops and to be available for purchase at Buckingham Palace, a smaller leaflet to be available in Newspapers worldwide (Variety of languages) to promote book and provide a little information as a teaser about some items.

Distribution context:

To be sold at Gift Stores, Buckingham Palace, Online, Official Collection Website, Newspaper outlets (for smaller leaflet)

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