Tuesday 2 November 2010

Visual Thinking - Think channel 4 adverts!

Today we got given the task of picking a letterform to create a sequence with, but their was a twist. Like the channel 4 adverts, a part of the letterform should be divided up between planes. My group decided to pick the letterform 'O', which became quite a difficult one to pick. We then had to make a viewfinder.

We began with simply dividing the letter into sections, using the view finder, to place the pieces of letter across a spread of the room. This became extremely difficult as the further away a letterform was, the smaller it became, finding the right size became a serious issue.

So I thought of an idea, to create a sequence, in which to look at, you would have to view from below. Within the classroom their was many metal lighting strips in which i suggested we could hand parts of the letters at different points. We tried this, but found it difficult as string wasn't sturdy enough, card got in the way of viewing. 

As we had spent so much time faffing around with idea's which were just too complex, we decided to make it easy for ourselves. I suggested we simply stuck sections of the letter on a table, at a 90 degree upright angle. This causes another sizing issue. So using a protractor, I was able to allow distance change, in which from a certain distance each letter 'o' would look the same size. So after calculating sizings, distance and what not, we were able to create a lovely, simple sequence. Finally!

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