Monday 22 November 2010

End of module self-evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Before attending this course, I had never experienced using Illustrator and didn't realise the advantage it could have on my work if I had the skills and knowledge to use this program. We had some illustrator sessions, which were basic, but necessary none the less. But I still found myself finding it difficult to remember what I had been taught and found myself asking my peers about tools and methods. By asking around I gained new skills and a new found ability to use Illustrator; such skills were applied to many elements of work, I could think of new idea's I now had an ability to deliver them. I found peers with more experience I great help with work, just by asking for a little help, you can gain so much. Idea's were always offered to me, and help to deliver them too.

Another skill I think I have gained within my time here is time management and general organisation skills. The first week I found very difficult juggling my time between university, socialising, personal study time at home and general time for myself. I found myself sitting on my laptop blogging for ever more. But soon realised this would make my time at university hell so needed to have a healthy balance. This I believe I have found, I'm not rushing around to meet deadlines or being unsociable.

Another element of the course I have found useful is the setting of tight, industry like deadlines. It's really forces you into having time limits and a forced focus to do work. Also the want to do you best in a set time is your main motivation, so if your not happy with finalised designs, it's not a case of having more time to do it. This seems to happen to me alot, producing more and more final designs as what you feel should be you final product just isn't up to scratch.

What approaches to methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

My approach to research has always been a bit of a struggle. I don't particularly, at first, like to do research when approaching the design process. But find when I do, it's always been useful and giving me new, and better idea's. At college, the only sense of research I would do would consist of using google. But since being here, Iv'e found new ways to research; using the resources in the library, using the internet to find designers - in which to research more in depth and visit exhibitions etc, and most importantly, independent research of simple roaming the streets with my camera finding inspiration along the way - This method I like the most, it's hands on and is far more interesting and individual. Such methods of research have really helped me with my design process, giving me new idea's, and new ways to approach my work.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I think my hand drawn typography and illustrations are my main strength within my work, they make my work look very personal and detailed. Particularly my black outline illustrations, their simple approach to colour palette means they work with a variation of mediums. With my newfound skill within illustration means I can improve the quality of such hand rendered type and image to have a professional and seamless quality. Rather than work simply scanned in and used straight onto an image, I can now add and delete elements, change and improve parts, add colour and texture; giving a wider range of works I could use them within and adapt them to be suitable for just that.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

Layout is generally an issue for me, my work has always been quite scrap-book like in structure, and scrambled together. I now feel myself wanting to create contemporary, modern designs using templates and grids but don't have an imaginative inability to do so. I feel the only way I can improve my ability to do so is to look at designs which I feel are out of my comfort range and attempt to re-create grid and structures within my own time. Another weakness I feel is my opinion that my work is only ever acceptable or good when I have hand rendered objects within it. I really need to move on from this, and perhaps not be so critical of my work.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from these.


Explore a range of different approaches to work rather than just sticking to just a few within my comfort zone. By doing so, I feel a will have a more varied portfolio of work, and will broaden my spectrum towards works.


Explore template using trail and error and try a few grids and structures, try to avoid a meaningless layout and ask myself why. This will give me more focus within my designs, asking myself why I'm doing something in particular will mean I'm looking at it from some else's perspective; I can see if it makes sense.


To get myself to some exhibitions, perhaps contact some graphic designers and illustrators and ask for advice and gain myself some more knowledge in general about graphic design, the use of different elements within it; photography, illustration, grids and structures and see if I can apply such idea's and formats to my own designs.


To gain more feedback about my work, in order to have a clearer understanding about my work, so I don't focus on the bad elements of my work, and instead hear critical advice and improve from there on.


To plan my approach to presenting my work, depending on the brief at hand. If I know it will be a research brief, and will include a lot of writing and small drawings, perhaps purchase an a4 notepad to record all my findings. If a brief is very much based on drawing very detailed images, idea's and planning's, then use high quality design sheets. Not only does this give me a range of approaches to presenting work, it makes it easier for myself to refer back to work if needs be.

How would you grade yourself and the following areas?

Attendance: 4
Punctuality: 4
Motivation: 3
Commitment: 4
Quantity of work produced: 3
Quality of work produced : 2
Contribution to the group: 4

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