Wednesday 7 March 2012

OUGD203 - YCN - Concept boards and feedback



1st Sheet

Problem Analysis:

Good research - Found out a lot in terms of ways to go about answering the brief become of the available market.

Conceptual Development:

M&S dining deals are usually for some hint of event - Valentines ect. Do you think they would have deals with no events. Seasonal is a great idea. Sustainable, will keep people coming back.

Design Proposal:

The branding and packaging of products to push it as a continuing idea. Something that will be different next time. Think of ways that could promote it in a store - baskets like picnic hampers. Think about ways to bundle products into a picnic format.

2nd Sheet

Problem Analysis:

Analysed and Researched how people eat - perhaps encourage people and families together rather than a dessert?

Conceptual Development:

Needs to be good quality to go with M&S brand - Don't use the word budget - Also can't be too high end as that type of market are unlikely to have a picnic. Great idea about seasonal Packaging - would appeal to a wide range of people

Design Proposal:

Use elements of each season, Christmas, Easter.
Think about mixing and matching a meal deal rather than an entire box set.

Action plan:

  • Look at meal deal and the options it gives - do we want to sell just dessert or give the option of savoury, biscuits ect
  • Target Market - don't mention budget how can we get around this
  • Do we want to give customers a selection to pick from in accordance to taste - What would be in the selection
  • What do people recognise within seasons - base our content on this? - Easter - Eggs - Spring
  • Age restricting including alcohol? Or have a soft drink alternative? - Look at alternative available
  • Primary Research - Play on colour regarding season, look at calendar
  • Look at Eco Friendly ways to package products
  • Create 1 season - mock up others?
  • Primary research - Visit M&S - Food, Promotion, TV, Take pictures

5 Questions we wanted answering within the crit

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