Monday 30 April 2012

OUGD203 - Workshop

5 Problems I've identified that I want to solve

1. Changing the connotations of a product, and aiming it at a brand new target audience
2. Producing a range of packaging rather than a singular product
3. Instore design, point of sale and retail graphics
4. Branding and identity of a restricted product
5. Working to the scale of a postage stamp

5 Messages I want to deliver

1. That there are misconceptions with the idea of fakery
2. Packaging as a range can work when inconsistant in size and shape
3. I want to promote my range of products in a positive light
4. No matter the size, shape of a product, it can be packaged
5. Research can be obtained in a range of ways

5 Reasons why

1. People relate fakery with the idea of buying into a look or lifestyle, nothing else
2. Fakery is a huge thing not just one object
3. Being fake is considered negative, using something to be confident in your own skin, is a positive.
4. Theres a broad range of packaging a product, this can be literal, or not.
5. The idea of fake is so broad.

5 Facts about your subjects

1. Fake be something literal like fake tan
2. Being fake can be considered lying 
3. People consider themselves more real with an altered appearance
4. My range of products can be very different  aesthetically 
5. Fake can be the way someone acts rather than appears

5 Facts about your audience / context

1. They have a negative outlook on fakery
2. Women are most renowned for being fake in appearance
3. A possible target audience would be those lacking in self confidence
4. A possible target audience would be those who think of fakery as negative
5. My audience may hold a false identity

5 Products I could produce

1. Catalogue
2. Range of packaging
3. Branding and identity 
4. Retail Graphics
5. Promotional Material / Posters


- Sleeve
- Boxes
- Bags
- Labels
- Stickers
- Wrapping
- Inserts
- Belly Band
- Size
- Shape
- Colour
- Format
- Info books
- Stand
- Images
- Type
- Products
- Envelope
- Names
- Phrases
- Edition
- Stock
- Display

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