Monday 30 April 2012

OUGD203 - How fake are you? Survey

How old are you?

30/4/2012 3:21View Responses
27/4/2012 6:30View Responses
27/4/2012 3:55View Responses
27/4/2012 3:44View Responses
my first battle was the fall of gondolin, which was set during the first age. so it makes me 2459 to this day.
27/4/2012 3:05View Responses
27/4/2012 2:45View Responses
27/4/2012 1:58View Responses
27/4/2012 1:54View Responses

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What is your daily routine in regard to self appearance? (e.g Makeup, hair etc)

make up
30/4/2012 3:21View Responses
get dressed, makeup, hair
27/4/2012 6:30View Responses
Brush teeth twice a day, Shower everyday, wash and blow dry hair every other day, Moisturiser, foundation, blusher and mascara.
27/4/2012 3:55View Responses
wake up, have a shower, put on eyeborw pencil and mascarra, foundation if i have a massive spot.
27/4/2012 3:44View Responses
i start by combing my long blond locks then practice sword fighting infront of the mirror to see if my technique has got sloppy. i then sharped my arrows and do about 30 cruches. now i am ready for battle.
27/4/2012 3:05View Responses
Most days I do not wear make up, when I do it is just mascara.
27/4/2012 2:45View Responses
shower, hair, clothes
27/4/2012 1:58View Responses
straighten my hair every morning
27/4/2012 1:54View Responses
splash of water to the face in the morning.
27/4/2012 1:50View Responses

Make up 
Getting dressed
Brush teeth

What does the word 'Fake' mean to you?

orange and obsessive with fake tan, peroxide blonde, fake eye lashes, wearing as little clothing as possible,
30/4/2012 3:21View Responses
not real
27/4/2012 6:30View Responses
Not real - False boobs, botox, plastic surgery, capped teeth
27/4/2012 3:55View Responses
someone or something that hides behind something else.
27/4/2012 3:44View Responses
Them darn orcs are soooo fake they are in makeup for like 6 hours each. but thats not even the worst that bloody sauron my arch ememy is only done by CGI so i guess that dick is the most fake. Me, son of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood is all natural
27/4/2012 3:05View Responses
someone who goes against anything they believe in.
27/4/2012 2:45View Responses
27/4/2012 1:58View Responses
added extras people might use to make themselves appear different to their natural look eg. hair extensions and fake eye lashes.
27/4/2012 1:54View Responses
27/4/2012 1:50View Responses

Fake tan 
Hair dye
Fake eye lashes
little clothing
False boobs
Plastic surgery
Hiding behind something
Capped teeth
Someone who goes against what they believe in
Hair extensions

Do you use clothes, cosmetics, clothes, etc to cover your flaws or insecurities?

Yes ///// /
No ///

If yes, what do you use to cover your insecurities?

being a red head
30/4/2012 3:21View Responses
make up
27/4/2012 6:30View Responses
Foundation - makes you feel like your covering/smoothing all the ageing flaws on your face.
27/4/2012 3:55View Responses
sometimes, If i feel fat ill wear a baggier top. but thats just knowing what the wear.
27/4/2012 3:44View Responses
i wear a leather armour. it has some protection benefits but not many i use it mainly as it doesn't restrict movement in battle.
27/4/2012 3:05View Responses
27/4/2012 1:58View Responses
paper bag on my face. helps with the insecurity, not very practical in the rain and i had a close call with death using a plastic bag. I wouldn't recommend it.
27/4/2012 1:50View Responses

Having red hair
Make up
Larger clothing
Paper bag

 How do you consider a person can act 'fake'?

to only care about their appearance
30/4/2012 3:21View Responses
changing who they are so others like them
27/4/2012 6:30View Responses
Not sincere/ on a level with people, manipulate
27/4/2012 3:55View Responses
when they're two faced. say one thing, mean another.
27/4/2012 3:44View Responses
pretend they are unarmed just to get close to you when really they are holding and arrow head or a concealed blade the little buggers
27/4/2012 3:05View Responses
by acting differently around someone they claim to dislike and act as if they are very fond of them
27/4/2012 2:45View Responses
27/4/2012 1:58View Responses
they can make themselves appear like something they are not by wearing certain clothing and piling on make-up. Fake qualities can also come across in their personality though.
27/4/2012 1:54View Responses
Any conversation starting with "last night at Evo i..." is classed as being fake. Unless they finish the sentence with "had a shit time cause its Evo, I dont know why you talk me into going there"

Appearance orientated
Changing personality
Two Faced
Clothing & Makeup

Can you name any products / items / people etc you would consider 'fake'?

fake tan, extensions, fake eye lashes, nails,
30/4/2012 3:21View Responses
eyelashes, tan, people off shows like towie...
27/4/2012 6:30View Responses
False tan,
27/4/2012 3:55View Responses
paris hilton as a mega superstar. any massive brands: channel, very expensive surely the products dont cost that much. people buy them to make themself feel valued
27/4/2012 3:44View Responses
yes don't buy steel head arrows off the dwarfs them things fly horribly you will never hit your target.
27/4/2012 3:05View Responses
fake bake
27/4/2012 2:45View Responses
fake tan, hair extensions, makeup, plastic surgery
27/4/2012 1:58View Responses
fake tan, eye lashes, hair extensions.
27/4/2012 1:54View Responses
fake tan, leeds met (as a commodity), anyone from newcastle who uses fake tan. Those big eye lashes plus they remind me of strippers.
27/4/2012 1:50View Responses

Fake tan
Eye lashes
The only way is Essex
Paris Hilton
Make Up
Plastic Surgery

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